Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Centre for Innovation in Governance launched by TN State Planning Commission vice-chairman

The Centre for Innovation in Governance established by Tamil Nadu government under State Planning Commission was launched by Vice Chairman Dr J Jeyarajan  in the presence of the Ramesh Chand Meena, additional chief secretary, Planning and Development

The Centre aims to foster an innovative ecosystem in governance in the state. The Centre will provide support to government departments and district administrations in piloting innovative projects and building capacity in various technologies that would augment effective governance in the state.

The Centre’s core activities include identifying problem statements, piloting innovative projects, and evaluating their effectiveness. The centre will support eligible agencies in identifying innovations for funding under the Tamil Nadu Innovation Initiatives Scheme (TANII). Since its inception in 2015-16,
the State Planning Commission through the Tamil Nadu Innovation Initiatives (TANII) has recommended more than 400 innovative projects to a tune of 800 crore.

The Centre aims to establish a collaborative platform where industry, academia, government, and innovators can jointly develop solutions, which would augment public governance in the state.

The Centre will study best practices adopted in various states across the country and around the globe to explore their potential application in Tamil Nadu. The Centre’s efforts also extend to documenting and evaluating the outcomes of innovative interventions implemented within the various government sectors in the state.

The Centre plans to conduct a ‘GovTech’ workshop themed on the applications of emerging technology in governance, a design thinking workshop on social innovation for district administrators, and tech-based hackathons etc across the state in the upcoming months.

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